Fotografie Workshops - Wet Plate Collodion en Analoge Foto

Lama Hotel

Langtang Lirung is a 7234 meter-high peak in the central Himalayas, towering high above its lower counterparts. Directly underneath to the south lies Langtang Valley and the village Langtang itself. On April 25th 2015, an earthquake shook the mountain to its core, causing a devastating avalanche of ice and rock, destroying and covering the entire village. Where eventually almost everyone lost at least someone. From the 450 inhabitants, a total of 310 people lost their lives. And it also being a popular trekking destination, at least 80 casualties were foreigners. Over a 100 people have never been found and are presumed to be buried still, underneath the rubble. When visiting the area in 2018, I’ve witnessed people trying to move on, rebuilding their homes and lives as best as they could.
Langtang Lirung, ever-present but showing itself only when clouds disperse, remains an open wound for all who still live here, in the shadow of the mountain.
